Engine Repairs are our specialty. As the main component of any vehicle, it's important to have an engine that runs and performs properly. Engines work hard to move your car by combusting fuel and powering pistons to generate energy. If your car is in need of engine repair, have our ASE-Certified mechanics take a look and give you a free estimate.

As the main component of any vehicle, it's important to have an engine that runs and performs properly. Engines work hard to move your car by combusting fuel and powering pistons to generate energy.
We know engine repairs can seem daunting, but they are easier to handle if you take your vehicle in for inspection and diagnosis at the first signs of trouble.
Trouble Starting: If you try to start your vehicle and the engine doesn’t turn over easily or on the first try, it's never a good sign. Although it may be an ignition, alternator or battery failure, getting your car in for an inspection is a good way to find the source of the problem.
Unusual Noises or Shaking: If your normally quiet car starts making a new noise, or develops a vibration or shake while driving, it's time to get the engine checked out.
Lower Gas Mileage: If your vehicle is starting to use more gas than normal, it may be a sign of engine trouble. Consuming fuel at too high of a rate means that your engine may be experiencing an issue.
Unexpected stalling: If you drive or used to drive a manual vehicle, then the concept of stalling out may be embarrassing but not unusual. However if you are driving an automatic vehicle and it stalls out, there is more than likely a serious problem.